I'm pleased as punch to be able to post today. Around valentine's day I offered to knit the hubby a sweater of his choice, and while I was leaning towards Jared Flood's Cobblestone Pullover, he preferred Elizabeth Zimmerman's Hybrid Sweater. I needed the pattern, and I found a used copy of Knitting Workshop at a sweet little bookshop named Old Goat Books in uptown Waterloo. But this is no plain old edition. Oh no. It's a signed copy :)

So I picked up some Cascade 220 from my stash and cast on.
And fell head over heels in love with EZ. Her simple design genius and quirky writing made it impossible for me not to seek out 2 more of her books the following weekend. And before I knew it, I'd finished DH's sweater.

This baby's autographed!

Raveled here

While on my EZ kick I started a Baby Surprise Jacket for a sweet coworker who'se expecting her first this fall. 

Next post, baby sweater!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

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